

We at Heron Therapeutics, Inc. strive for the highest standards of business ethics and compliance. We are dedicated to creating a culture that promotes ethical behavior, corporate responsibility, and integrity at every level of our organization. In accordance with our values, we have established and maintain a Comprehensive Compliance Program, which reflects our commitment to compliance with industry standards and all applicable laws and regulations. Please click here to view our Comprehensive Compliance Program.

Annual Declaration of Compliance with California Health & Safety Code §119402

Heron Therapeutics, Inc. is committed to complying with the laws and regulations applicable to our business, including the California Health and Safety Code §119400-119402 (the “California Act”). The California Act requires pharmaceutical companies to adopt a Comprehensive Compliance Program in accordance with the April 2003 publication “Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers” developed by the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG), as well as develop policies for compliance with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) “Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals.” Our Compliance Program is available to the public on our corporate website, and interested parties may also obtain a copy by emailing ComplianceHTX@herontx.com.

Heron Therapeutics, Inc. has established a specific annual dollar limit of $2,500, which applies to gifts, promotional materials, items, and activities provided by an employee of Heron Therapeutics businesses to covered recipients in California. In addition, the following expenses are excluded from the limit: expenses of a de minimis value (i.e., with a value of $10 or less), expenses that are directly associated with payments statutorily excluded from the limit (e.g., meals for consultants), items provided to healthcare professionals that are ultimately intended for patients or consumers, fellowships, receptions at third party educational or professional meetings, and sales aids. To the best of its knowledge, Heron Therapeutics, Inc. declares that as of March 31, 2021, it is in all material respects in compliance with our Compliance Program and the requirements of the California Act.

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